Rotring 500 0.5 mm Drafting Pencil Review

Rotring 500 0.5 mm Drafting Pencil Review

As a fan of the brand, it doesn’t take much for me to test out anything from Rotring. So, why did it take so long for me to review the Rotring 500? The simple fact that the Rotring 600 exists.

The 600 is the best mechanical pencil on the market, and one of the great stationery products of all-time. If there were a Stationery Hall of Fame, the 600 gets in on the first ballot, without question. There is no better in my book.

Rotring may want you to believe that the much pricier 800 model is better, with its retractable lead pipe and fancy gold trim, but no, the rock-solid 600 is better. Don’t @ me.

Rotring 500 0.5 mm Drafting Pencil

The 500 takes an alternate path as the entry level Rotring drafting pencil. At less than half the price of the 600 ($14 vs. $31,) the main difference is that plastic is used for the center barrel in the 500, compared to brass in the 600.

For some writers, that may be preferred. Why? Balance. Most mechanical pencils that get classified under the “Drafting” category have a low center of gravity for better control when writing small details on the page. The 500 uses the classic metal knurled Rotring grip, and in conjunction with the plastic barrel, the weight is moved towards the tip. The full metal barrel of the 600 is more balanced throughout the length of the pencil.

If you want me to continue to list out the differences between the 500 and 600, well, you will be disappointed to know that is it. Plastic barrel in the 500, metal in the 600. That’s the list. In reality, you should be excited, because every other part of this pencil is the same as its much more popular pencil partner, while being much cheaper. Same grip, same clip, same lead indicator, same eraser and cap. It’s fantastic.

Rotring 500 vs 600

Now, if you think I’m about to tell you I would pick the 500 over my beloved 600, you would be wrong. The brass barrel makes the 600 what it is for me personally. But the 500 is a fantastic choice, right up there with the Uni-ball Kuru Toga and Uni Shift Pipe Lock as favorites in the $10-$20 price range. And, if this Red barrel is any indicator (along with Blue and Green,) maybe Rotring is ready branch out like they have with the 600 over the last several years.

Rotring 500

Whatever Rotring is going to do, I’ll be here for it.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Rotring 500 Writing
Posted on January 23, 2023 and filed under Rotring, Mechanical Pencil, Pencil Reviews.