Kokuyo Campus Word Cards Review

Kokuyo Campus Word Cards

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter. And check out her latest book, Out of Water, now available where books are sold!)

What does one do with wee cards that are 3 cm by 6.8 cm? Anything! Everything! Kokuyo Campus Word Cards are so versatile. There are 85 cards all held together with an elastic cord that has a plastic bead closure so it can be opened and closed as needed. The band can be stretched around the deck to keep them secure, or let them hang loose for browsing.

Kokuyo Campus Word Cards

The card is thick artist paper that performs well with all kinds of media. It's not coated in the way that the Campus notebook paper is, so it doesn't show ink sheen much, but the cards do still work for ink swatching in general. They also work great as flash cards for learning words or math or geography or any facts at all. They could be a tiny travel sketchbook, portable scratch paper, a rolodex of contacts, an autograph book, bookmarks for part of your towering TBR, gift tags... The possibilities are endless.

Kokuyo Campus Word Cards

My favorite thing to do with small notecards is to use them for writing organization. I write the title, mood, themes, or beats of a story or book chapter on each card, then I can rearrange the cards as needed to restructure parts of a book or story. The holes in the cards are great for slipping over a pin in a cork board, and then when the order is finalized, i can put them back on the ring, in order, and use the deck as an outline. The extra smallness of these cards makes them great for carrying around or stashing in cases.

They're only $3.25 at JetPens, which is under 4 cents a card. At that price you can use them with abandon and not worry about wasting or ruining one. One deck is plenty for most classes or projects, but they're so tiny you could probably fit ten decks in your pen case, just in case of emergencies.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Kokuyo Campus Word Cards
Posted on March 24, 2022 and filed under Kokuyo, Notecard.