JetPens Kanso Writable Washi Tape Stars Review

JetPens Kanso Writable Washi Tape Stars

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter. And check out her latest book, Out of Water, now available where books are sold!)

One of the things that distinguishes a Pen Addict from a Pen Afficionado is that we are equally transported by fine writing instruments as we are by the simple things. There are few things in life as exciting as a new fountain pen, but one of those things is ... washi tape.

Washi tape can be anything from beautiful and artistic to plain and purposeful, and I love it all. Washi tape that serves a purpose that also saves me time is especially worthy in my book, so count me as a fan of the JetPens Kanso Writable Washi Tape—especially of this Stars one, which allows me to quickly and decoratively annotate my journals.

JetPens Kanso Writable Washi Tape

I think this star tape will be especially appealing to book nerds like myself. Do you keep a book journal, a reading tracker, a bullet journal entry for your reading? Then you need this. I can roll off a quick run of stars and tape it into my planner to rate my reads--or movies, or music, or pens, or heck, even other washi tapes. You could tear off just one star to add emphasis to a priority, or a whole page of stars to express your enthusiasm for Encanto. Because the tape is writable, you could tear off five stars, but fill in three to denote the "meh" nature of your most recent read. It's useful, time-saving, and versatile. I love it. I rate it five stars, which I can do easily now that I have this tape.

JetPens Kanso Writable Washi

The writable tape also comes in boxes, circles, arrows, days of the week--all kinds of handy labels that any planner user will find instantly useful.

The surface is coated, so it takes a little bit of dry time with some inks. I used primarily gel pens with mine, and it was set after a minute or so. Ballpoint was much faster, though some liquid inks didn't set as well. Whatever coating the tape has that allows it to adhere to itself but still pull away cleanly is not ideal for fountain pen, but works well with most other pens.

JetPens Kanso Writable Washi Stars

The size of the shapes in the washi are designed to work best with 5mm grids, but the pale white background is semi-transparent, so it can work with any kind of paper.

I highly recommend this line of washi tapes for anyone who does any degree of planner customizing. Each roll is $2.85, so it's great for topping off your cart to get free shipping, but I could easily fill a cart with just this and be delighted on mail day.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Posted on February 17, 2022 and filed under JetPens, Washi tape.