Kokuyo NeoCritz Flat Pencil Case Review

Kokuyo NeoCritz Flat Pencil Case Review

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter. And check out her latest book, Out of Water, now available where books are sold!)

When you love bags and you love pens and pencils, pen cases tend to be an intersection of many joys. They are for me. And Kokuyo generally makes good ones, but I don’t love the NeoCritz Flat Pencil Case. I say this with full awareness that I'm a bit particular. But I feel like "flat" is not the best shape for storing three-dimensional objects, especially more than a few of them.

Kokuyo NeoCritz Flat Pencil Case

The adorable, limited-edition floral patterns are what first caught my eye on these--plus the Kokuyo brand, which is one that often delights me. The design also seemed innovative, and I have to try every new kind of pen case.

The concept here is that the case, which has two zippers, can unzip into a standing wedge shape and serve as a handy pen cup--then it can be zipped closed and taken on the go. When in cup form, the top can also fold down. It's a great idea in theory, but doesn't quite work for me in practice.

Kokuyo NeoCritz Flat Pencil Case Full

The biggest limitation to this case is its capacity. The slim design only holds a few pens, and the smaller front pocket--which is great and convenient when the case is in cup form--has to be essentially empty for the case to close at all. Anything larger than a slim eraser will block the zipper. And maximum zipped capacity is around ten skinny pens. When it's in cup form, though, it can hold at least twice that. I love this way more as a pen cup than as a case.

Kokuyo NeoCritz Flat Pencil Case Full

I think this could work well if you only need a few supplies, like a sketch set or a handful of paint brushes you want to take out on an adventure. But it doesn't work terribly well as storage, or if you, like me, want to bring All The Colors with you at all times.

I am happy to use it as a cheerful pen cup. The colors are wonderful, and the polyester fabric cleans up well. And the double zipper does make access easy, even when the case is nested in a crowded backpack. It does have a lot going for it, and I expect it would delight many users. As I said, I'm a bit picky. You could probably hand me a pen case the size of the Hindenburg and I'd say that I wish it held more pens. But I really do wish this one held more pens.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

Kokuyo NeoCritz Flat Pencil Case Closed
Posted on April 1, 2021 and filed under Kokuyo, Pen Case.