Calligraphers of Color Spotlight: Amanda Reid

Amanda Reid Designs

Each month, I’ll be featuring a member of the Calligraphers of Color community here on The Pen Addict. Black artists and creators have been underrepresented in this space for too long, and I am doing something about it, starting now! Who better to kick off this series than Calligraphers of Color founder, Amanda Reid.

Hi Amanda! Tell us a little bit about yourself, and what you do.

Hi! Thank you for having me on the blog! My name is Amanda and I am the owner of Amanda Reid Designs and founder of Calligraphers of Color. I am a calligrapher based out of Austin, TX, where I provide modern calligraphy services for events and brands, and teach online and in-person calligraphy workshops. Calligraphers of Color is an online community I started in July 2019 after noticing the lack of diversity and inclusion in the calligraphy industry. It is an inclusive online community that provides resources for and highlights minority calligraphers and their businesses. Outside of calligraphy, I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy treating patients in the hospital and outpatient clinic.

How did you become interested in Calligraphy?

I've been painting and creating for over 10 years, but a friend of mine from grad school introduced me to brush lettering and calligraphy in 2015. I took one in-person workshop and became hooked. My goal was to become proficient enough in my calligraphy skills by the time I got married so I wouldn’t have to pay anyone else to do my wedding signage or invitations/envelopes. Well, I made my own wedding signs, but I didn’t have the patience to do my own invites. I continued to practice calligraphy and wrote on everything all the time. After about 4 years of practice, I decided to launch my own business last January, and it has been growing ever since.

Amanda Reid Calligraphy

What are some of your favorite tools to create with?

I go through phases of my which tools I prefer to use. My current favorite is pointed pen calligraphy with dip pen and ink. I like the Hunt 512 and Brause 513 nib. My favorite inks are Sumi ink, Walnut ink, and Dr. PH Martin’s gold ink. Some new tools I’m loving are my iPad and Apple Pencil for digital lettering and engraving tools for applying my calligraphy to glass, metal, and other unique surfaces!

What are you working on now?

This past week Calligraphers of Color turned ONE (July 24), so our community has celebrated all week long with a lettering challenge, giveaways, and some fun collaborations with some prominent figures in the lettering community. I personally have some fun projects coming up with some brands, that include creating some original designs for apparel, journals, custom gifts, and social media campaigns. I also have been hosting virtual online classes teaching beginners how to do brush lettering and modern calligraphy. Very busy but fun times for sure!

Thanks Amanda! Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?

You can learn more about me, my services, and upcoming classes at Amanda Reid Designs. You can also find me on social media at @amandareiddesigns and @calligraphersofcolor.

Posted on July 27, 2020 and filed under Calligraphers of Color.