Mark's HiBi Weekly Notebook Review

Did your schedule just become insanely complicated? Or are you, perhaps, having to rely on a deeply buried reserve of self-discipline as you begin working from a home office? Or are you suddenly planning to catch up on some long-neglected tasks around the house? Are you suddenly a teacher? You may find yourself needing a new format for your to-do list, in any case, as plans and planners fly out the window.

This Mark's HiBi Weekly Notebook works as a slim book, or can be unfolded into a tent-style standup calendar. Each page shows a weekly spread with room for memos on the bottom of the page. There are 45 sheets and both sides of each page are usable, for a whopping 90 weeks of tasks in this small book. The twin spiral binding makes it easy to flip pages and use both sides--though the paper is not very friendly to wet inks. Pencil, ballpoint, and gel pens work well, but rollerball, fountain pens, and markers all had some bleed-through.

I like the simple format and layout of this. There's just enough room for a reasonable list of tasks, and the empty date boxes mean you can start it on any day. Its small size, about 4.5 by 8.25 inches, makes it great for placing somewhere where the whole family can reference it, or it can perch on a small corner of your desk to help you stay productive.

If your abrupt change of plans leads to an abrupt change of planners, no one will blame you. While this wee book isn't enough to replace a planner altogether, I think it's a great week-at-a-glance to help get an overview of the tasks we're all tackling together, but separately.

(This notebook was purchased at Goods for the Study at full price.)

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Posted on March 19, 2020 and filed under Mark's, Notebook Reviews.