Tuesday Toolset, Top 5 Mechanical Pencils Edition

Have you tried a capped mechanical pencil?

Change because things have changed, or change for changes sake? That’s what I’m thinking about while working on these Top 5 list updates. The lists I’ve updated so far were the easiest in my mind because there was enough change to talk about. With subsequent lists, things get a bit more difficult.

And, even if there are no real technical changes to the products in the list, my tastes change. My thoughts and ideas about how I use products change. The products I want to recommend change. So the deck can be reshuffled, if you will. Here are my current thoughts on the state of Mechanical Pencils.

Top 5 Mechanical Pencils

  1. Rotring 600 - What, you thought that lead-in meant the number one spot changed? Not so fast my friend! I think the Rotring 600 is the best mechanical pencil on the market. It’s also the most expensive mechanical pencil on this list. That doesn’t always translate into best, but in this case it does. The brass barrel is weighted perfectly, the grip knurling is properly edgy, and it can take a beating. (Buy)
  2. Pentel Sharp - This pencil is more of the reason for the above commentary. Like the Rotring, the Sharp has been around for decades, but at a much different price point. In fact, this was a primary office supply pencil as recently as the 1990’s. Something about this traditional design and overall feel scream mechanical pencil to me, and make me want to pick it up and use it. (Buy)
  3. Pentel Kerry - If you think mechanical pencils are boring, then you haven’t seen the Pentel Kerry. I’ve been on the bandwagon for years, but I need to be louder and more vocal about how great this capped mechanical pencil is. That’s right: Capped! (Buy)
  4. Uni-ball Kuru Toga - There it is! You can argue this should be number one on the list, and you will get no argument from me. In fact, I’m sure I’ve had it there myself over the years. The mechanics work flawlessly, and if the lead rotation mechanism is something you need, then go for it. I just rarely pick it up compared to the rest of these. Bonus point for tons of design variety. (Buy)
  5. Uni Shift-Pipe Lock - When it comes to mechanical pencils, pipe protection is important. This pencil does it effectively, and beautifully. Give me more color options and I might rank it ahead of the Kuru Toga. (Buy)

(Notes: If I’m feeling frisky one year I may knock the Kuru Toga off completely and replace it with the Tombow Mono Graph Shaker. It’s one of the best bang-for-your-buck mechanical pencils on the market.)

My personal use ranking:

  1. Rotring 600
  2. Uni Shift-Pipe Lock
  3. Pentel Sharp
  4. Tombow Mono Graph Shaker
  5. Pentel Kerry
Posted on March 17, 2020 and filed under Top 5, Mechanical Pencil, Tuesday Toolset.