Tuesday Toolset, Black Stripe Edition

My mind is always up to something when it comes to stationery usage. Finding the balance between using ALL OF THE THINGS or only some of the things is an eternal fight. One I’m more than happy to step into the ring for.

  1. Pilot Custom Black Stripe fountain pen. I adore this pen, and two things made me want to ink it up: A recent post on Cronicas Estilograficas, and my ink cartridge review series. Needless to say, I popped a Pilot Blue Black ink cartridge in this pen, which is always in my heavy rotation.
  2. Tombow Mono KM-KKS 4B. I’ve been sitting on this one since my visit to C.W. Pencil last fall. I almost didn’t buy it because 4B is not normally my thing. Then I almost didn’t use it because I wasn’t sure I could do its specialness justice. What I have missed over the last several months of seeing sitting there, inactive, is a truly special pencil.
  3. Yoseka Notebook. If you are looking for a new A5-sized notebook and want to try something different, this is the one you should buy. I feel safe saying you will be pleased with it. I’m enamored by it every time I pick it up.
Posted on May 7, 2019 and filed under Tuesday Toolset.