Tuesday Toolset, Picture Sticker Edition

Despite being surrounded by pens and paper all weekend at the Atlanta Pen Show, there was only one pen and one notebook I kept on me at all times. And, by the end of the show, my notebook was upgraded greatly.

  1. Nock Co. DotDash Sidebound Pocket Notebook. That’s right, side bound. Getting mine at the show was the first time I got to hold the final product, and it came out great. The Bright Orange DotDash pattern is practically an optical illusion. From a distance, the page looks almost like a blank ivory page until you pull it closer and notice the fluorescent pattern. It’s wild!
  2. 22Pen. I was asked to bring a lot of pens for show and tell at the show - Sailor King of Pen and Conid Monarch for example - and I knew the 22Pen was going to be joining that illustrious company. It drew a huge range of comments, all of which were expected. It is such a strange pen and I wanted to get it into people’s hands to check out.
  3. Polaroid Zip Mobile Printer. I’m well versed in the resurgence of the small instant photography camera, but I didn’t know anything about the image sticker printer I saw being passed around at the bar. It can connect via Bluetooth to your smartphone and print 2”x3” stickers for you to use anywhere. As I did.
Posted on April 16, 2019 and filed under Tuesday Toolset.