How I use it: Caran d’Ache Fixpencil

If I kept tabs on the writing instruments that left the house with me in 2017 I’m certain the Caran d’Ache Fixpencil would land in the top two. It is that important to my every day carry.

How I use it: This is my quick notes and ideas pencil. Sometimes pencil is the best tool, but on the go I prefer mechanical, or in this case, clutch barrels. They are more durable by a long shot.

My favorite thing about the Fixpencil is the sharpener underneath the button on the end of the pencil. There’s no eraser under there, and I’m good with that. I like being able to sharpen the lead without carrying a pointer around.

The pictures below show some of my sketches and doodles, including some lettering and product design ideas. I keep a stack of note cards with me at all times, and often a pocket notebook of some sort. There is no better companion than the Caran d’Ache Fixpencil.

(I bought this pencil at full price from CW Pencil Enterprises in July, 2016.)

Posted on January 19, 2018 and filed under How I use it.