TiScribe EDC Fountain Pen Video Review

I've been wanting to make the leap into video content for a while now and I'm happy to introduce The Pen Addict Channel on YouTube. I'm just getting my feet wet, so expect many changes as I learn what works and what doesn't as I move forward.

First up is the TiScribe EDC Fountain Pen which is currently an active project on Kickstarter. Kelvin sent out several review samples for this pen and I thought this was a good opportunity to provide my thoughts a bit differently.

Check out the video and let me know what you think!

The PenAddict.com video review of the TiScribe EDC Fountain Pen. This pen can be found on Kickstarter at http://kck.st/1gDYArB. Kelvin has made a couple of changes since this review was shot so check them out here: https://youtu.be/WkA-lP_B1PM

Posted on August 25, 2015 and filed under Kickstarter, Pen Reviews, Video Review, TiScribe.