Solid Titanium Pen + Stylus Prototype Giveaway

Solid Titanium Pen plus Stylus

I was very fortunate to get an early look at the Solid Titanium Pen + Stylus Kickstarter project, and I want to pay forward that good fortune to you, the Pen Addict readers. Chadwick and Joe not only trusted me with an early version of their design, but have also trusted me to give away these prototypes if I see fit. Well, I see fit.

Here is how we are going to do this. I have three Solid Titanium Pens + Stylus, one each of bead blasted matte black, bead blasted matte silver, and high polished chrome. I will give away one of these pens to a random commentor on this post. If this giveaway reaches 300 entries I will give away a second pen to another random commentor. If this giveaway reaches 500 entries I will give away the third and final pen to yet another commentor. Whew!

You guys and gals up for the task? I bet you are. Help spread the word about this giveaway and your odds of winning a Solid Titanium Pens + Stylus actually increase!

Please remember - these pens are in the prototype phase. The fit and finish may not be up to final production standards, and there will likely be other tweaks to their design when the final product is released. All pens will be sent in as-is condition and you will have to provide your own refills.

Here is how to enter:

  1. Leave one comment on this post anytime between now, and Saturday night at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. You are limited to one entry. This contest is open to US and International readers.

  2. For this contest, I will pick one winner at random from the comments section of this post. The comments will be numbered in the order they are received, i.e. the first comment is #1, the second #2, and so on. The Random Integer Generator at will be used to pick the number of the winner. If there are over 300 entries, a second winner will be selected in the same manner. If there are over 500 entries, a third winner will be selected in the same manner.

  3. The contest winner will be posted on Sunday, July 21st. The winner will have one week to email me via the Contact button at the top of the page.

Thanks again to Chadwick and Joe for allowing me to test, review, and giveaway these pens. Be sure to check out the still active Kickstarter project for the Solid Titanium Pens + Stylus and all of its refillable goodness.

Posted on July 17, 2012 and filed under Giveaways, Solid Titanium Pen.