Posts filed under Marvy LePen

Marvy LePen Oriental Blue Review

MArvy LePen

Is anyone else’s first memory of the Marvy LePen seeing them at the Hallmark store? I distinctly remember them sitting there on the counter in all of their rainbow glory. I don’t recall ever buying one for some reason, but now that JetPens has started to carry them, I ordered up the Oriental Blue for review.

One of the defining aspects of the LePen is its long, slender barrel. If you have used a LePen before, then you have no trouble spotting one from a mile away. Another reason why this pen has been popular is the wide range of non-standard colors available. This Oriental Blue is a great example, but there is also Orchid Pink and Dark Gray among some of the 18 other shades.

The tip on the LePen is very soft - much softer compared to a Sharpie Pen, Sakura Pigma Micron, or any other similar pen. This gives it a unique feel when writing, sort of a cross between a brush and a plastic tip pen. I love how my lettering turned out on the page, but I do wonder a bit about the durability (which I haven’t tested).  Overall, it is a good pen as an option, but I don’t see it as a go to choice unless I am looking for a specific color. I could be wrong though since this seems to be a very popular pen.

Posted on November 4, 2011 and filed under Marvy LePen, Pen Reviews.