(Kimberly (she/her) took the express train down the fountain pen/stationery rabbit hole and doesn't want to be rescued. She can be found on Instagram @allthehobbies because there really are many, many hobbies!.)
Hard to believe but 2022 is coming to an end. Is it just me or did this year fly by? At least compared to 2020 and even 2021, 2022 just felt like one (mostly good) whirlwind after another. The end/beginning of the year is as good a time as any to step back and take a moment to think about the past year and have decided that 2023 is going to be a year of FOCUS.
FOCUS in my purchases - Did I buy a lot of stuff in 2022? Oh yeah. Do I plan to buy stuff in 2023? Duh. But what I tried to do in 2022, which I will continue to work on in 2023, is to be a little pickier about what I’m spending my money on. I’m asking myself if I really need/want it, if I’m just in a buying mood, forcing myself to not buy it immediately to see if it is something I still want later, do I have a physical place to store/use it, is there room in my routine for it, am I buying to collect or to use, how much of this is FOMO, etc.? Asking these questions doesn’t mean I won’t be buying things in 2023, but hopefully it will mean that I am buying things that I really want and will actually use.
FOCUS on more ink swatching - Last December I said I was going to try and swatch more inks since I had less than 60% of my inks swatched. I’m up to a whopping 61.38%, which doesn’t sound like much but I’ve also added a LOT of inks this year - both in sample and bottle form. And while it’s still not my favorite thing to do, I need to swatch more before I buy more because I feel bad getting more ink when I’m not making progress on my swatches. So 2023 is going to see a renewed effort to do more ink swatching! But don’t worry, I’m sure there will still be some ink acquisitions too, lol
FOCUS on Journaling, even if I can’t keep up - It only took until August of this year to FINALLY try journaling. So far, I haven’t been able to keep up very well, especially for long-form journaling, but I am really proud of myself for pushing myself to start. I have been jotting down quick notes in my Hobonichi Weeks and then doing longer journaling sessions in a Traveler’s Notebook for the days that were more memorable. I was and still am very intimidated by the beautiful journaling spreads on Instagram, but I’m trying to use those posts as inspiration to find and develop my own style (if any). Some things that have helped me include (1) pre-decorating pages and not trying to match decorations with what I plan to write, (2) using undated notebooks for long form so I can write to my heart’s content and so I don’t feel pressured to journal every day, (3) using my bullet journal to help jog my memory for short-form jots which, in turn, helps me for long-form journaling later. For 2023, I’m moving to the slightly larger TN Weekly for the short jots and an A5 Hobonichi for long form and am nervously excited to try this new format and hope that the habit sticks.
Pre-decorating my journals makes it easier for me to jump in and start writing.
FOCUS on Selling or Rehoming items that I’m not using - I started 2022 with a bang by filling a pen binder with a bunch of pens I was not using and shared a table with Inkdependence Mike at the Philly Pen Show. It was tough picking pens to sell but the key is to just get started. It could be some pens that you’ve “outgrown” or maybe your tastes and preferences have changed since you bought it, but if you’re not using something and you don’t have a good reason for not using it, it might be time to let it go by selling it at a show, meetup, online (eBay, Virtual Pen Show on Instagram, or Reddit Pen Swap, etc.). For the most part, I “lost” money with my sales but I look at it as (1) incoming funds to put towards other things, (2) I’ve gotten use out of it while I had it, even if that “use” is discovering that it doesn’t work for me, and (3) sitting unused isn’t doing anyone any favors. I’m going to be sharing a table again with Mike at Philly in a couple of weeks so stop by, say hi, and buy some stuff! :-)
FOCUS on Rediscovery of currently owned but not currently used items - This year I really tried to balance using the latest purchases as well as the things I haven’t touched in a while. I discovered a few things that helped me curb the urge to instantly use all the new things. New pens don’t get inked unless I’m also inking up a pen that I haven’t used in a long time. I set aside the old and new pens-to-be-inked in a tray, which motivates me to write more pens dry so I can ink up more pens. If I’m picking between two similar inks, I will try to reach for one that I haven’t used in a long time instead of the brand new one I just got. It’s a nice feeling to use something I already have, instead of continuing to buy more stuff. Will definitely do more of that in 2023. Using something you haven’t used in a while can also help you decide whether an item is a keeper or if it needs a new home.
Recently inked up these pens that I haven’t used in a while and am loving them all, especially the broad nib in the Pilot Custom Impressions.
FOCUS on Stick-to-it-iveness for seeing my projects through to the finish - Yup, I’m copying this one from last year. I’m further along with transcribing Meditations and The Little Prince but I’ve completely stalled on Hamilton lyrics. I’m determined to keep working on them as I do enjoy them and because it is so satisfying when projects get completed. FOCUS on Health and wellness - Another keeper from last year, health and wellness are no longer taking a back seat. Aside from gaining some pandemic pounds, this year I wasn’t able to do my usual cardio due to plantar fasciitis, which has resulted in weight gain and also affected my mood and mental well-being. A reminder for me and for all of you, remember that there is only one YOU so please take care of yourself. Reach out if you’re struggling, get help from friends, family, professionals. Take that hike, pamper yourself, meditate, stretch, hydrate, etc.
FOCUS on Learning/Practicing/Reading - I had the grandest of plans to take all these courses in 2022 and all I managed was watching about 20 minutes worth of videos. I’m tired of wanting to read more, learn more, and practice more, so I will be doubling my efforts in 2023 by adding some more structure to my Italian learning plan, using notebooks to take notes and write down exercises, and figuring out the right habits and trackers to measure my progress.
FOCUS on Planning the day ahead of time - I have used Bullet Journaling for almost 6 years now and I have really noticed my productivity rise and fall as my BuJo usage rises and falls. And if I don’t plan the day the night before or first thing in the morning, I end up not using my BuJo, and then I’m easily distracted and extremely unproductive. I’ve got a lot of stuff I want to work on in 2023 so I will spend the next few weeks figuring out which timing is more effective for me.
Gotta plan if I wanna get things done!
So as 2022 comes to a close, I feel good about some of the changes I’ve started in 2022 and am hopeful that 2023 brings added productivity, mindfulness, health, happiness and continued enjoyment of this hobby.
Wishing you all a safe and wonderful New Year and an ink-filled 2023!
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