Posts filed under Kobe

Kobe No. 43 University Town Fresh Green: Ink Review

(Susan M. Pigott is a fountain pen collector, pen and paperholic, photographer, and professor. You can find more from Susan on her blog Scribalishess.)

Kobe inks are made for the Nagasawa Department Store in Japan. They are named after various places in the city of Kobe. University Town Fresh Green is number 43 in the series. It is a vivid green ink with plenty of shading and sheen.

I did my ink testing with a Diplomat Aero fine nib which doesn’t show much shading, but you get a good idea of how the ink looks in a fine nib. It’s not a neon lime color, but more like fresh grass or spring leaves. It’s a fairly dry ink (at least in a fine nib), and is not water proof.

Chromatography shows the ink’s composition of light yellow, peach and green.

My Pilot Parallel 2.4mm demonstrates the ink’s gorgeous shading capabilities, ranging from deep green to light green.

On my Col-o-ring Ink Testing card (review here), you can see the dark green sheen in the ink splats.

Kobe University Town Fresh Green is a terrific color. I’m planning on using this ink as much as possible—even though I’m not much of a green ink fan—I love this stuff. Although it works well in fine nibs, it really shines in wide nibs. You can purchase this ink from Vanness Pens, $30.00 for a 50ml bottle or $3.00 for a 4ml sample.

(My wonderful husband purchased this ink for me for Mother’s Day from Vanness Pens.)

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Posted on June 2, 2017 and filed under Kobe, Ink Reviews.

Nagasawa Kobe 21 Taison-Ji (Temple Yellow) Ink: A Review

(Susan M. Pigott is a fountain pen collector, pen and paperholic, photographer, and professor. You can find more from Susan on her blog Scribalishess.)

The Nagasawa Stationery Shop is located in Kobe, Japan. It carries a line of more than fifty Sailor inks, many of which are now available through Vanness Pens.

I ordered a sample of Nagasawa Kobe 21, Taisan-Ji (Temple Yellow) specifically for my prototype Omas Burkina because I like matchy inks.

Temple Yellow is a beautiful amber ink with amazing shading properties. In my ink testing, I found it to be a rich color, very wet, but definitely not waterproof.

Chromatography reveals vivid lime green and deep orange colors mixed to create this brownish-yellow.

The ink splats demonstrate a dark brown sheen.

Because the ink is very wet, it can smear easily, especially if you’re a leftie. But, once it dries it is such a gorgeous color and the shading is wonderful, especially where the ink pools.

I thought KWZ Honey (review here) might be a much cheaper alternative, but it’s much more brown than Temple Yellow. Pelikan Amber is a close match, but it is a limited edition color (out of stock everywhere I checked) and also expensive.

Kobe Temple Yellow is $30.00 for a 50ml bottle at Vanness Pens. You can get a 4ml sample for $3.00.

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Membership starts at just $5/month, with a discounted annual option available. To find out more about membership click here and join us!

Posted on February 17, 2017 and filed under Kobe, Ink Reviews.